Question / Help Question about downscaling.


New Member

I'm new to streaming and I've been trying to stream @ 720p. I stream with a bitrate of 3050 kbp/s & Quality balance 6. My monitor resolution is 1680x1050.

Whenever I stream in 1680x1050 I have a good quality stream. But the instant I downscale it to 1344x840, the text on my game (guild wars 2) starts getting a bit blurry.

Is there a way to fix this, and is there also another way to get 1280x720 instead of 1344x840?
I tried using a base resolution of 1280x720p, but it could barely record half of the window of my game. And playing GW2 fullscreen on 1280x720 with 1680x1050 monitor is really uncomfortable.

My DL speed is ~60MB while my upload speed is ~4 MB


Community Helper
You could try using the Lanczos filter, which should be sharper. But any downscaling will make things blurrier to some degree.


New Member
I used to use FME and changed my output to 720p, and I didn't notice any blurriness there. Or maybe I just didn't pay attention.

But okay, thanks for the answer. I guess I'll just have to live with the blurry words for now. Still readable so whatever :)