Question / Help Question about Aero!


New Member
Hello i have a question about Aero! I just reformatted my computer and I always disabled it and before my reformat i Streamed an had logs that showed that it was Disabled, and i was able to see my full box with programs i have open when on my task bar when you scroll over with mouse and see a pic of what is running. Well after my reformat i have it disabled on my properties as well of course OBS but i remember having it before hand disabled on OBS from what i remember and being able to see those pop-ups when i hovered with my Mouse and seeing a mini box of that program. Any idea on what this could be? it would help a lot cause i can't figure it out


New Member
NEVERMIND! i got it figured out. I just got confused with when OBS is on and i have that checked ( Disable Aero ) it doesn't it wont show the hover program but when i ''CLOSE'' Obs it puts it back to my default and i can see as normal so that just got me confused!!! got it!