Question / Help Quality-Issue


I've just downloaded OBS MP and now i've faced an issue with quality...

I am not sure, if this is just due to the early version of MP, but w/e.

I've made 2 videos and took a screenshot of both, comparing the both OBS-versions (Windows and MP).


OBS MP.png


OBS 1.png

So, is this "normal" at the moment?

The settings for both are exactly the same.
Because game capture didn't work for MP, I've changed it to window capture for both, both 360p with veryfast-preset and 800 Kbit/s.

The same issue appears with other resolutions, but I thought, those 2 screenshots should be enough for you to see, what's my problem.
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If one is "Game Capture" & the other is "Window Capture", I think it explains why quality is different.
The interesting point is: why "Game Capture" on OBS MP doesn't work for you ?
It is both window capture, for better comparison reasons...

There was a problem installing, I reinstalled and now game capture works but there is basically no difference...


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It's due to the fact that I'm missing the very low resolution scale shader. It cannot sample enough pixels to build the required image; I will add the shader to fix the issue so it functions identically to obs1.
I usually do comparisons between the different settings, to find the best one for me, so I would try both and compare them at several times.
The pictures are with bilinear filter, so this shouldn't be the issue here and like Jim told us, indeed it isn't.
But thank you. :)


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I fixed the issue already, it'll be available in the next version.


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Sorry to keep you waiting, I added it and it'll be released in 0.10.0, which is almost ready.