Question / Help Quality and resolution


New Member
Firstly, since it's my first post here, hi everyone ;)
And now the question ;)
Currently I'm running stream at 720px downscaled from 1080p @40fps and about 2500 bitrate.
But video seems be pixelated, and I'm wondering, if would help run games etcetre from 720p? or maybe I'll just set in OBS resolution to 720p without downscale, and adjust video input size to window?

Thanks in advice :)


Community Helper
If you have a 1080p input and want to stream in 720p, it's better to use the downscale option rather than change your base resolution.

What game are you streaming? 2500 bit rate at 720p40 sounds pretty decent. Do you have a VOD to demonstrate?


Town drunk
Yeah, if you want better quality, you just need to up the bitrate a little more. However, keep in mind that in games where the full scene is in motion a lot, pixelation will be practically unavoidable.