QlistGOStyle AutoFade AudioMonitor V1.53

QlistGOStyle AutoFade AudioMonitor V1.53 v1


New Member
Pëpep submitted a new resource:

QlistGOStyle AutoFade AudioMonitor - QlistGoStyle: simple, effective, the solution for live shows

QlistGO: Enhanced Audio Control for OBS Studio QlistGO is a powerful Lua script for OBS Studio that revolutionizes audio management during live productions. Its standout feature is the ability to apply fade-outs in monitoring mode during scene transitions - a functionality not natively available in OBS. Key Features: • Automatic fade-outs during scene transitions in monitoring mode • Seamless scene switching with customizable hotkeys • Advanced audio monitoring for improved live production...

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New Member
Hi, your script helped me a bunch, since we use only obs for live broadcasting. However, is it possible to have the audio monitor fade to be enabled when clicking the transition button in studio mode, not limited to using only the keybinds. Thanks!


New Member
Hi, your script helped me a bunch, since we use only obs for live broadcasting. However, is it possible to have the audio monitor fade to be enabled when clicking the transition button in studio mode, not limited to using only the keybinds. Thanks!
Feel free to use it! It’s a pleasure to assist you, and that is my intention. Thank you!