Question / Help Q about network.


New Member
One day I streamed at 700 kbs bitrate and buffer size. My ping ingame was around 80 and it was all ok.
But since I downloaded newest version, when I try to stream my ping just goes to 150-250.
Any advanced recommedations for encoding and network for 1 Mbit upload?
It's not that big, but picture is ok for me :(

edit: one more question - is it too much to have 70% cpu usage while playing and streaming?
playing LoL @ 1080p with everything maxed out.
always opened skype, xfire, and 4-5 chromes with grooveshark music radio.
streaming LoL @ 720p, 45 fps, with 550 bitrate and quality 5-6 ( because of pixelization on low upload )
Having about 50-100 fps while streaming.


Town drunk
It would be nice if you could post a log so we could still see what was causing the issue. CBR is not really recommended at all.


New Member
123star said:
This is really interesting.

What about game performance and stream quality?

played League of Legends, settings 1920x1080 all maxed out, fps 60-100, ping 45-90. - with CBR on,
the quality isn't the best because my upload speed is quite low. That's why I put quality on low to reduce pixelization and I'm happy with that. No ingame laggs, no skipping frames, no ping jumping. It is awesome except of my low upload speed.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I haven't tested CBR too much so take what I say with a grain of salt, but generally CBR is usually not recommended outside of specific circumstances because it provides less quality and usually uses more bandwidth.

However with the way it uses bandwidth I think it may be much more "even" and might just be better for you to use ping-wise under your bandwidth constraints, so I'm not entirely surprised. If it works and you don't mind the quality, go for it.


New Member
Understood. Well I have about the same upload and the same problem about ping. I tried several setup, with CBR ping is more stable but the program still use more bandwidth than I allow like 500 to 800. I think that's the main reason for my ping problems. With my configuration I can handle over 40fps@1280x800 without any fps drop, I tested my UL speed by uploading a 12MB file, then I did my result - 30% which means around 600kbps and still my ping goes crazy up to 170ms randomly. That's sad. :(