Bug Report Push to talk problems


New Member
Before the .461a release my voice didn't record about 90% of the time when I pushed the button. The .461a helped a lot but voice cuts out before releasing the button a good amount of the time. There are other times when I talk multiple times in a 2 minute period and none of it records. My experience with the new release is that if it catches your voice, it will "usually" get all of it, however it still does not even catch any of my voice about 50% of the time. Is this an issue only I am having, or is it a bug that will hopefully get a fix?


New Member
If you hit any of the modifier keys before your PTT button, it will not transmit, no matter what your PTT is set to.


New Member
Well this obviously makes recording voice in any FPS game annoying because of the common sprint and crouch binds.

Thanks for the help, hopefully this gets fixed sooner than later.