Push-to-talk for USB joysticks


New Member
Hi, thanks for a fantastic piece of software for screen recording!

Request: One thing I'm missing is to be able to assign USB joystick buttons to push-to-talk (PTT).

Current workaround: you have to use an intermediate program like autohotkey to send a keyboard key that OBS can intercept and use as PTT. This takes up valuable keyboard keys that are in short supply when running Digital Combat Simulator (DCS).

Example autohotkey script (joystcik 4, button 2 bound to scroll lock key):
Send {ScrollLock down}
KeyWait 4Joy2
Send {ScrollLock up}

Background: I was inspired to make this request by the following thread, where xbox gamepad/ xinput device support has been added:

On a sidenote I thought that supporting xinput would add support for any USB joystick button, but apparently this is not the case (tested with current version 613b). Based on this wrong assumption I created this support thread: https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/xinput-ptt-joystick-button-mapping.13249/


New Member
Sorry to drag this out of the box but I was in a similar situation and am happy I found this thread.

It worked beautifully! The only adjustments that needed to be made were the joystick controller and the assigned buttons. Thanks for the help, I couldn't have figured this out on my own :p