Bug Report Punkbuster Kick Disallowed Program or Driver


New Member
Hi guys, thought I'd just throw this on here for those who are also getting the issue.

Any game that uses Punkbuster anti-cheat software will kick you after about 30-40 minutes or playing. This is due to OBS game capture hooking into the game you are playing, which, many toggle hacks do. They appear as an overlay and Punkbuster doesn't exactly like that. So as a precaution, it just kicks you.

If there's anyway OBS can contact Punkbuster, or if I get permission to contact them myself from the Devs of OBS, I'd be glad to since I do stream Battlefield from time to time and I don't like my runs getting toppled by Punkbuster being too overly cautious.

Anyway, there's my piece.

SonicWaffles (Liam)


I wasn't aware there was an issue with PB and capturing battlefield. A workaround would be to run the game in windowed mode and use desktop capture with Aero enabled.


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Forum Moderator
Game capture does hook into the game. If if causes any problems, use window capture instead.

From what I recall in the past the only response they've ever given is "don't use these sort of things with punkbuster".

Play the game in a borderless windowed mode and use window capture on the window as an alternative in the mean time.