PTZ Controls "demo mode"


New Member
Hello, this is my first time here.
At our church, we recently set up a SMATV camera with OBS and it's working fine. A friend came over yesterday and finally set up the PTZ Controls plug-in, so that we can use that instead of the handheld remote to operate the camera.
The controls work fine, and we can program the presets, and they work as well; but too well.
The camera now automatically moves to each preset position, from the first to the last, without stopping; then starts over again at the first preset. Pressing the home button on the PTZ controls panel always returns it to the Home position, but then it will begin moving to the presets, one after another without stopping. It's as if the PTZ controls have a demo mode. The only way we can keep control of the camera is to delete all the presets and not use them. Please help.


Active Member
There is no native PTZ control function in OBS Studio, that I'm aware of.
So, the right place to ask this question is within your specific PTZ control plugin discussion thread [there are different plugins available).. after first reading some /most of the thread to make sure your question hasn't already been addressed. Don't assume complete compatibility from your camera to that plugin
- your camera may not be fully supported, or camera may need a firmware update, or it could be a bug