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Pthread Text 2.0.5

Thank you for providing the log. I realized the plugin started to fail from OBS 30.0.
The new version 2.0.5 should work. The direct links to the package are below.
obs-text-pthread-2.0.5-obs28-macos-x86_64.pkg (This should work with OBS 28, 29, 30, and hopefully 31.)
Thanks norihiro, but both installers go through the installation, but when I look for it in OBS I don't see it. Perhaps something I'm not doing right?
Could you again provide the log file?
So sorry. I went to get the log analyzer to send you the current log. I saw in the third party plugins list "OBS text - pthread" was listed, so then I went back to OBS and it was there to use. It's a mystery to me why I didn't see it before now. I tried many Mac installers, maybe a computer restart as I came back to it from a busy day? Thank You for your quick response in trying to fix this issue.
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New Member
Hey norihiro! Great job on the plugin.

Working awesome for me on Arch, and a much better experience than FreeType2, but I have to ask... is there a reason Pthread is missing the text color gradient feature that FreeType 2 has. This is the only thing missing to be able to remake my text from my Windows layout.

I chose to use Pthread over FreeType 2 because of the outline color selector feature, which is missing from FreeType 2.