Question / Help PS4 + OBS = No Sound


New Member

  • PS4
  • Logitech G35 gaming Headsett
  • Elgate HD
  • PC Monitor (HDMI)
  • PC
I got everything up and running on OBS and can stream as well, but I just cant get any sound what so ever from the PS4 to OBS.

I have audio in my headsett (I have only that one headsett, I use it on PS4 and PC, whichever I am playing on).

Here's the guide I followed to set it up for PS4

I hope someone is able to help me out here, for I am tearing my hear out right now.



USB Headsett = No delayed sounds, but only in headsett
TV or Amplifier = Sounds on stream, but delayed.

Edit #2
Do I need a headsett that is connected to the controller for this to work?

Edit #3

(Tried both "Stream only" and "to deskop" just to try and see if I can hear anything at all)

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Active Member
Set output to stream only and check the stream/recording for audio from the console.


Active Member
Watching from the computer with the elgato will ALWAYS have a delay due to their external devices being usb 2.0
Game Capture HD is approximately 1.5 seconds delay
Game Capture HD60 is approximately 0.7-0.8 seconds delay

You can't use USB or Bluetooth headsets for sound and have the sounds come on stream. You need to use a mixer in order to use headsets.


New Member
A mixer.. Great.
Would be lovely if they actually added this tyin, yet insignificant detail to their product.

Thanks. Then I need to get one of these as well.

Do you, or anyone else for that matter, have any recommendations?


"TV or AV amplifier" on PS4 does output audio to both HDMI and optical SPDIF at the same time, so probably get a digital SPDIF to analog converter (RadioShack has this), maybe with RCA-to-3.5mm adapter, and then use headphones, computer speakers, or plug into computer's line in.

Many desktop computer line in/mic in have an option for lag-free passthrough using playback devices, speakers, levels.