Question / Help PS4 console streaming while using Mac as webcam and chat?


New Member

I am new to streaming but love gaming and find it a lot more enjoyable now if can have a bigger addence watching and not just uploading youtube clips. Anyways I have read a lot of stuff and just feel more confused now so gonna try make this as simple as possible.

Right now I am gaming on my ps4 console and using twitch live broadcasting and when I'm not doing that I save my video clips and transfer them to my data stick/edit and put on youtube.

In the perfect world as I do not have a ps4 camera (heard quality is average) and as I have a really nice Macbook pro and gaming headset I was wondering if its possible to Game on on the ps4 console and use my mac as my webcam and my headset as my mic and audio???

If this is possible I would also like to have some editing capabilties for some writing around boarder of my channel and webcam and notification features (If possbile) but more concerned about the webcam on my mac.

I have also heard of people using Skype also to use as a webcam with Twitch but have no idea how to do that and get the video in the bottom of your stream channel.

Any detailed help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks :)


Active Member
No, not really. Console-native streaming is rudimentary at best.

You'd need a capture card, and OBS-MP on your Mac, and stream from that. Be aware, it's extremely CPU-intensive. And capture cards (at least ones worth speaking about) aren't cheap. Expect in the $200 range, and you'll need a USB one (preferably 3.0).

There's no way to magically grab the video the PS4 is streaming out to Twitch on your Mac, and use it as an input source for OBS.
There's no way to magically grab the video the PS4 is streaming out to Twitch on your Mac, and use it as an input source for OBS.

There might be if there's a way to make the PS4 stream to a custom RTMP server on the Mac, then having that forward to OBS running on the same Mac... but that's so complicated it's probably beyond overkill for very little benefit.

Honestly, getting a good capture card is your only proper option. What capture cards would you recommend for PS4, Ferret?

Also, what are your Mac's specs? If the CPU isn't very good the stream will probably look worse than PS4's own stream even with the best capture card in the world.


Active Member
There's no way of which I'm aware to custom-change the streaming target on a PS4. You might be able to do it with some packet hijacking (assuming one of the publicly available RTMP relay servers could be set up to also spoof Twitch's handshake), but that's far deeper geek stuff than most around here get into, and *really* isn't worth it for the work involved.

USB 3.0 my go-to would probably be the XCAPTURE-1, Elgato HD60, or the Avermedia Extremecap U3. But I'm not sure if any of those have OBS-MP compatible Mac drivers at this point; pretty sure the Elgato doesn't yet, though window capturing their software does work Mac-side.

Bootcamping over to Windows opens a lot more compatibility and options as far as those three go, including native OBS capture from the devices directly.
Bootcamping over to Windows opens a lot more compatibility and options as far as those three go, including native OBS capture from the devices directly.

Also gives access to classic OBS, which is still better than OBS MP in some cases. Until OBS MP reaches full parity with the old OBS's features, Windows will be the best OS for OBS use.


New Member
Thanks for the help and reply..I have a 13inch 2015

Model Name: MacBook Pro

Processor Name: Intel Core i7

Processor Speed: 3 GHz

Number of Processors: 1

Total Number of Cores: 2

L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB

L3 Cache: 4 MB

Memory: 16 GB


New Member
Okay thanks...too bad their isn't something out their that makes it all so easy...maybe I should make something?lol

I guess the Elgato HD60 is probably my best bet from what I've heard to get most of the stuff I'm looking for.


New Member
you can actually do it without capture card. download ps4 remote play, then remote play your ps4 using power cable of ps4 controller and plug it into the mac then open OBS and click + button to add window capture and capture the ps4 remote play
window. and you can click + again to add webcam and other things! enjoy! :)