Proposal for improving unit tests?


New Member
My name is Utsab Saha. I teach computer science at Cal State Monterey Bay (CSUMB) specifically serving students from underrepresented groups in their cohort program.

I am creating a 15 hour course to help our students write unit tests for a specific open source project that they would be excited about. The key focus of the course would be to help the students become more self-directed as learners in the context of navigating a large codebase and understanding other people’s code. I believe that by writing tests, students will become more familiar with the overall codebase, build up their confidence, and gradually contribute in more involved ways in the future (fix bugs, implement new features, etc.).

I have two questions for the OBS community:

1) Is there a need for additional testing on the OBS project?

2) Is there someone in the community who is willing to meet with me for an hour to give me a code walkthrough for the current unit testing framework used in the codebase? One hour of your time is all the help I would need. Of course, if you are interested in continuing to serve as a mentor for our students in a more ongoing capacity, I would gladly welcome your continued support.

Thank you!