

New Member
XSplit has a nice "Projector"-Feature, which opened a fullscreen'd window showing your streamoutput. You can choose the monitor which should be used, so you could use e.g. your TV to show your stream during "liveevent".

Example: I'm running a small lanparty every summer at my apartment. Last year we used XSplit to stream the whole event (two weeks) and used the projector-feature to run the livestream on my wallmounted television. This way everyone who was not playing could just watch the one playing while eating their burgers.

I don't know how hard such a implemention would be, but since there is a preview of the stream anyway, it should be possible to reroute that stream to a exclusive window which is able to go fullscreen. (a Borderless Window ofc.)


This topic is quite old. There is fullscreen preview now. Which does pretty much just that, except that it does force you to place the main window on that screen.


New Member
@ThoNoht That's why it's not a real projector function. It needs to use a predefined monitor and run separately from the app itself. I used XSplit's projector function last month to feed a theater projector, the current fullscreen preview mode does not allow me to do that.


There is an obvious albeit somewhat cumbersome workaround for the time being; a private Twitch channel. But, I agree, this sounds like a good feature to add.


Community Helper
For future people saerching: This is already implemented by right-clicking on the preview and selecting Projector.