Question / Help Project64 | Unable to Gamecapture


As the thread title says, I'm unable to use Game Capture on Project64, regardless of graphics plugin. I've tried both 32bit and 64bit, tried 1964Video Plugin, Jabbo's Direct3D, and Glide64 (Crashes P64). Whenever I preview stream, all I get is a black output even though Gamecapture is set to capture P64 in the dropdown list.

Gol D. Ace

Jabo will not work because Direct X 6 or 8 (Gamecapture doesn't support that).
1964 I dunno. For Glide64 try deleting the GlideHQ.dll

Or you try Direct64 (should work)

Window Capture performance isn't that bad for Project64. Or you try Direct64 as an graphic plugin.



Gol D. Ace said:
Jabo will not work because Direct X 6 or 8 (Gamecapture doesn't support that).
1964 I dunno. For Glide64 try deleting the GlideHQ.dll

Or you try Direct64 (should work)

Window Capture performance isn't that bad for Project64. Or you try Direct64 as an graphic plugin.
I had been using window capture pretty well, even got it to remove all black bars and capture the inner window. The problem with window capture though is that if something pops up then people know I'm playing on my computer. Emulation is against the rules in, least I think. Could lead to my account being closed, which would suck since I own the game, the console, the hardware, and have it all hooked up to my living room television but just can't afford a capture card and wiring from my PC to the television.

EDIT: Direct64 doesn't seem to be working either for game capture. I think there is something wrong on my end...? How can I figure out what's wrong.

EDIT2: I got Direct64 to game capture, I had to toggle preview stream once, then turn it on again in order for it to capture. Unfortunately though it doesn't let me choose a 16:9 resolution for windowed mode, and it doesn't let me use in-game steam community like 1964 Video Plugin does. I'm at an impass now.


Town drunk
If you don't want other stuff to pop up on screen using window capture, Aero needs to be enabled.

I'm pretty sure streaming emulator games aren't against the rules, considering emulation itself is not illegal.

Gol D. Ace

I saw quite a few big twich casters showing emulators on stream. Either twich doesn't care or it's allowed.


Town drunk
Emulation is not illegal in and of itself. You need to own the game you are playing and have dumped it yourself from the cartridge, or made an image of the disc in your possession, but emulators themselves are completely legal, depending on how they are made. Most modern emulators require you to provide your own console BIOS, which is one of the ways they can continue to be legal.


I managed to get Gamecapture to work using Rice 0.2.1. Unfortunately I've ran into a few issues here, streaming Legend of Zelda:

- I'm trying to stream at 16:9, so that's player won't have ugly black lines around my stream, ect. Unfortunately, the plugins that allow 16:9 in both windowed mode and fullscreen have graphic errors such as the infamous menu bug(s). They also allow me to use in-game steam community so that I easily view chat.
- The one plugin that has the graphic issues fixed (Direct64) can only be in 4:3 windowed, or 16:9 fullscreen. Unfortunately steam community doesn't want to play nice with Direct64 and doesn't want to work, thus I can't view chat while in fullscreen.

Oh well I'm relieved that emulation isn't against's rules. I could have sworn I read somewhere that streaming pirated games was against the rules. Figured that using an emulator to stream games would be a form of piracy, even though I own everything but just don't have the capture card/wiring to stream from my console.


I've decided to work around window capture for less graphical bugs. I was able to finish streaming LoZ:OoT using Jabo's Direct, as it had the least amount of graphical bugs.

I'm running into a new issue though now. I'm trying to stream "Conker's Bad Fur Day" for a friend. The only plugin (So far) that hasn't had any graphical bugs is Glide64, I can't gamecapture or window capture P64 with Glide64 (Black output).

Would the above be related to what version of P64 I'm using? I'm currently using 2.1, but should I be using 1.6 or even 1.7?


ball2hi said:
even though I own everything
Which is the key really. Emulation itself cannot be forbidden because the emulator does not provide you with the game itself, it is just a piece of software. Nothing more, nothing less. If you actually own the games you are streaming, even if you are emulating those games you are doing nothing illegal.

However, if you were to download ROMs for games you do not own and stream those, technically you would be engaging in an act of piracy and breaking the TOS.

Regarding the topic -- Has anyone tried streaming N64 games using yet? It does have an OpenGL plugin which would make it quite easy to Game Capture. And given its compatibility list -- ... patibility -- it should actually run Ocarina of Time without any major issues using that OpenGL plugin.


I've been trying for the past couple hours trying to get Glide64 to be window captureable, or even game captureable. Would appreciate if someone could help <_>


ball2hi said:
Would appreciate if someone could help <_>
Several people have helped, have come up with alternate solutions or workarounds. Just now I tried getting the latest version of P64 myself, so I could actually try it without just guessing at a solution but I couldn't even download 2.1 properly because that site of theirs is just... broken. And the installer (which I did find through a different source) comes with adware. Which my hyper-neurotic settings for my antivirus luckily picked up on, I couldn't even try to start the installer. It had already been deleted. Thankfully so.

So, I decided... P64 isn't worth it. I'm going to repeat my original suggestion -- try a different emulator.


Kharay said:
ball2hi said:
Would appreciate if someone could help <_>
Several people have helped, have come up with alternate solutions or workarounds. Just now I tried getting the latest version of P64 myself, so I could actually try it without just guessing at a solution but I couldn't even download 2.1 properly because that site of theirs is just... broken. And the installer (which I did find through a different source) comes with adware. Which my hyper-neurotic settings for my antivirus luckily picked up on, I couldn't even try to start the installer. It had already been deleted. Thankfully so.

So, I decided... P64 isn't worth it. I'm going to repeat my original suggestion -- try a different emulator.
I'm no longer asking about Zelda:OoT. I'm talking about another game.

I'm currently trying 1964, but I can't get a single rom to run. Going to try and redownload the ROMs, again.

EDIT: I finally got 1964 to play ROMs, had to download a decent audio plugin. Unfortunately I still cant (Main issue) gamecapture, or window capture Glide64 which is the only plugin I know of that works best with this game.


Town drunk
Glide64 does weird things by modern standards for graphics, I'm not surprised it's causing issues. It wasn't really intended for use with the GPUs of today. I'm unfortunately not really what else to suggest.