Process hooking.


New Member
Hey OBS dudes,

I understand this feature could potentially be quite hard to add and for that reason, the project may be quite far from this, but I just figured I'd drop in and check if this is on your list. Obviously for now, even if it is completely intermediate and unnecessary, DXTory will do.

I'm sure you know as well as I do that this is a must. Pros for both performance when recording high framerate applications as well as security for those who have only one monitor and wants to, but can't hide their personal chat windows or browsing sessions.

I suppose in lieu of having this, if it's possible to detect when the process is active or on top, you could possibly have a 'faux-secure' feature which would show a black screen (Or display an image, maybe switch scene) when the window is not being used IE the user has tabbed out. Sounds possible.

I'm all for open source. Keep up the good work!


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Direct game capture is a feature I am currently looking in to (view the "what I'm working on" thread for a fairly up to date list of planned features).

I actually have much experience with hooking, so it's not that big of a deal for me personally.. The only real issue is more about making it stable, and making work well for everyone.