Bug Report Problems with my stream


New Member

I've got a problem with my streaming, im not kinda new but i dont got enough knowledge to understand what my problem is. So the problem is when peoples watch my stream the whole stream freezes for like 1-2 sec and if i got it straight its doing it sometimes more and some less. (These freezes does not show up on my videos when im watching them on twitch, BUT i see the freezes on my friends stream aswell when he streams)

I have used other programs like Xsplit(Free verison) and also FFsplit but never got my stream perfectly, if someone that got more knowledge than my knows the right settings or what im doing wrong please help me with it i would really appreciate it.

To the fact of my settings:

I'm streaming League of Legends only.

I've choosed Frankfurt since i live in Sweden its the only close option for me.

When im not streaming my FPS is like 100-120
When im streaming its very up and down like 30-60 and i also lagg abit, not much but i would like it to be perfect if its possible with my computer.

\/ More info.
Open Broadcaster Software v0.466a - 32bit (´・ω・`)
CPU Name: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1055T Processor
CPU Speed: 2818MHz
Physical Memory:  4095MB Total, 4095MB Free
stepping id: 0, model 10, family 15, type 0, extmodel 8, extfamily 0, HTT 1, logical cores 6, total cores 6
Windows Version: 6.1 Build 7601 S
Aero is Disabled
Adapter 1
  Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GT 430
  Video Adapter Dedicated Video Memory: 1025966080
  Video Adapter Shared System Memory: 3221368832
=====Stream Start=====================================================================
  Multithreaded optimizations: On
  Base resolution: 1920x1080
  Output resolution: 1920x1080
Loading up D3D10...
Using auxilary audio input: Mikrofon (2- Realtek High Definition Audio)
Audio Encoding: AAC
    bitrate: 128
Using Monitor Capture
Using graphics capture
Video Encoding: x264
    fps: 30
    width: 1920, height: 1080
    preset: veryfast
    CBR: no
    max bitrate: 2500
    buffer size: 2500
    quality: 8
Total frames rendered: 64, number of frames that lagged: 8 (12.50%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)
Number of b-frames dropped: 0 (-1.$%), Number of p-frames dropped: 0 (-1.$%), Total 0 (-1.$%)
=====Stream End=======================================================================
=====Stream Start=====================================================================
  Multithreaded optimizations: On
  Base resolution: 1920x1080
  Output resolution: 1920x1080
Loading up D3D10...
Using auxilary audio input: Mikrofon (2- Realtek High Definition Audio)
Audio Encoding: AAC
    bitrate: 128
Using Monitor Capture
Video Encoding: x264
    fps: 30
    width: 1920, height: 1080
    preset: veryfast
    CBR: no
    max bitrate: 2500
    buffer size: 2500
    quality: 8
Using RTMP service: Twitch / Justin.tv
  Server selection: rtmp://live-fra.justin.tv/app
bufferTime: 1957, outputRateWindowTime: 1000, dropThreshold: 2457
Total frames rendered: 897, number of frames that lagged: 122 (13.60%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)
RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Aborting due to bStopping
Number of b-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Number of p-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Total 0 (0%)
=====Stream End=======================================================================
=====Stream Start=====================================================================
  Multithreaded optimizations: On
  Base resolution: 1920x1080
  Output resolution: 1920x1080
Loading up D3D10...
Using auxilary audio input: Mikrofon (2- Realtek High Definition Audio)
Audio Encoding: AAC
    bitrate: 128
Using Monitor Capture
Video Encoding: x264
    fps: 30
    width: 1920, height: 1080
    preset: veryfast
    CBR: no
    max bitrate: 2500
    buffer size: 2500
    quality: 8
Using RTMP service: Twitch / Justin.tv
  Server selection: rtmp://live-fra.justin.tv/app
bufferTime: 2099, outputRateWindowTime: 1000, dropThreshold: 2599
Total frames rendered: 1099, number of frames that lagged: 251 (22.84%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)
RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Aborting due to bStopping
Number of b-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Number of p-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Total 0 (0%)
=====Stream End=======================================================================
=====Stream Start=====================================================================
  Multithreaded optimizations: On
  Base resolution: 1920x1080
  Output resolution: 1280x720
Loading up D3D10...
Using auxilary audio input: Mikrofon (2- Realtek High Definition Audio)
Audio Encoding: AAC
    bitrate: 128
Using Monitor Capture
Video Encoding: x264
    fps: 30
    width: 1280, height: 720
    preset: veryfast
    CBR: no
    max bitrate: 2000
    buffer size: 2000
    quality: 8
Using RTMP service: Twitch / Justin.tv
  Server selection: rtmp://live-fra.justin.tv/app
bufferTime: 1971, outputRateWindowTime: 1000, dropThreshold: 2471
RTMPPublisher::BufferedSend: Buffer is full (271346 / 272384 bytes), waiting to send 4097 bytes
RTMPPublisher::BufferedSend: Buffer is full (271346 / 272384 bytes), waiting to send 4097 bytes
RTMPPublisher::BufferedSend: Buffer is full (270220 / 272384 bytes), waiting to send 2176 bytes
RTMPPublisher::BufferedSend: Buffer is full (270220 / 272384 bytes), waiting to send 2176 bytes
Total frames rendered: 15032, number of frames that lagged: 2591 (17.24%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)
RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Aborting due to bStopping
Number of b-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Number of p-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Total 0 (0%)
=====Stream End=======================================================================

Profiler results:

frame - [100%] [avg time: 24.729 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 97.5%] [unaccounted: 2.45%]
| scene->Preprocess - [64.3%] [avg time: 15.906 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
| video encoding and uploading - [33.2%] [avg time: 8.217 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 10.3%] [unaccounted: 22.9%]
| | CopyResource - [0.0849%] [avg time: 0.021 ms] [avg calls per frame: 0]
| | conversion to 4:2:0 - [0.194%] [avg time: 0.048 ms] [avg calls per frame: 0]
| | call to encoder - [9.95%] [avg time: 2.46 ms] [avg calls per frame: 0]
| | sending stuff out - [0.0566%] [avg time: 0.014 ms] [avg calls per frame: 0]


New Member
I've already tried that out, still the same problem.

Do you have any ideas what this problem could be? :?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Stream pauses that only happen while streaming and do not show up on the vods typically mean there was network congestion where frames were not appropriately being dropped when they probably should have.

Aka - network congestion. Using too much bandwidth at a certain point in time.


New Member
Hmm, alright so how could i fix this? turn off my bandwidth? or is there any other solution?

Thanks for all the help i've got so far!


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Not necessarily turn off, you just may have to reduce your bitrate. It seems like you're only just pushing your limits, so if you don't want to do that, other alternative things you could try turning down the quality setting in encoding settings, should make it push less against your bitrate


New Member
Alright, so what would you recommend i set my bitrate down to? Its on 2000 now, would you suggest like 1500?

CBR in advanced, what do you mean there? shall i turn down my CPU preset or shall i use the CBR? Since ive no idea what CBR stands for i've never used it.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Sorry I actually edited my post to try to clarify what I meant and took otu that mention about the CBR thing just because I'm still not entirely sure about it. Just try decreasing in 100-200 increments to see how that affects things


New Member
I changed my bitrate to 1600 and my quality to 6, when i tabbed out from the game and watched my own stream for a few secs it was fine but when i watched my stream on a different computer and the image flashes from black to gray all the time.

I'm starting to get tired of this..


You are using monitor capture and game capture in the same scene if i read the log correct?
Remove one of them and your ingame framerate most likely will increase alot, also dont use monitor capture for fullscreen games.

edit: nevermind i missed that you already removed one of those. But yea try gamecapture instead of monitor capture and see if it helps.


New Member
XeiZ said:
You are using monitor capture and game capture in the same scene if i read the log correct?
Remove one of them and your ingame framerate most likely will increase alot, also dont use monitor capture for fullscreen games.

edit: nevermind i missed that you already removed one of those. But yea try gamecapture instead of monitor capture and see if it helps.

I've only tried to have monitor capture and game capture in the same scene thats correct, i'll try to test with 2 scenes of each one and will switch each scene when im playing and not playing. Thanks for the advice!