Question / Help Problem with saving file path


I want to test my audio and video, so I am in "File Output Only" mode. The problem is that the "File Path" will not let me choose my game recording folder I have created on my desktop.

I click "Browse" and then select my game recording folder, then click "open" then "Save", nothing happens.


I haven't created a file yet. I haven't recorded anything yet. I am just trying to get the folder recognized for a place for the files to go.


heros in an halfshel
He means that you have to specify a filename for OBS to record to. The first file will be called filename.mp4/flv, the second one will be called filename (01).mp4/flv, etc. etc. There is some sort of way to use the current date and time in the filename, but I unfortunately do not recall what it was. Something like %datetime%?


Let me make sure I got this right. I name the file before I make it? So I am about to test with FTL, I then should put in FTL as the filename? It will then have that name I go into the folder I want?


heros in an halfshel
Yes, you specify a filename to save to, you give the application the filename before it starts recording, since it will stream to that file. You can name it whatever you want, just put ftl.mp4 or ftl.flv at the end of the path where you want to save the file.


Community Helper
And don't worry about having to go back and change the file name every time so that you don't overwrite files...if the file you're trying to record to already exists, it will put a "(1)" at the end of the file name so nothing gets overwritten.