Question / Help Problem with LoL alpha client


New Member

i have a problem setting up my stream of new league of legends alpha client with obs.
I can only add it as capture window but during stream preview it just shows black and in bottom left i have a window is minimized message even tho it clearly is not. (

If i try to add it as a game the client is not on the list, just some "monitor capture" that i have no idea whats doing there or what it is and selecting it crashes obs each time i preview (

Only way i can get the thing to work is from adding monitor capture with aero disabled and selecting sub region for the client but this isnt a solution im happy with and would greatly appreciate any help in getting it to work from window or game capture.

I didnt have any problem setting up the old client but this one seems impossible.

log files:


Forum Moderator
The client is probably using CEF and running with hardware acceleration enabled, obs cannot capture that.

Try running the client with "--disable-gpu" in the command line and see if it becomes capturable.


New Member
So i added what you said in the target line of shortcut of lol alpha client.
Still same issue as i described above. no change.


New Member
a little bump
dont wanna worry you but soon this alpha client will replace the regular one (probably by end of the year maybe sooner)
so soon the most streamed game in the world will be unable to capture with your program. i would call that obsolete and would hate to see that since obs made twitch into what it is today.
@Nightghost. I wouldn't say that they are obsolete. I have been able to capture the League Alpha Client with OBS Studio, though this system doesn't seem as easy to use as i'd like it to be. I prefer using OBS classic, and as of 6.22 The League Alpha Client is now the primary client, though it is possible to use the Legacy Client still. As you hit the login screen for the Alpha Client you can actually turn around and hit the button for the Legacy Client at the bottom right hand of the screen. Though i do not know how long the Legacy client will be avaliable for it is still there for you to use. Also, The only way that i've been able to figure out how to run the Legacy Client and Capture it on OBS Studio is either through a full window capture and disabling aero, or running a monitor capture and sizing it down and only capturing the portion of the monitor that my Alpha Client is in.