Question / Help Problem with game capture - Warcraft 3


i think you may need to use window capture and run wc3 in windowed mode (i haven't tried game capture on it yet but thats how i capture mine) I don't remember what version of direct x wc3 runs but OBS only supports certain Direct X version and above and I think it supports Open GL if i'm wrong someone can correct me.


No, you are not wrong. I was thinking the same thing here. That it's a DX version issue. But I can't confirm that either. Don't have WC3 installed so can't check. I'd be willing to try it though. But, your suggestion is a solid one either way. Running WC3 in windowed mode and simply capturing the window should be more than sufficient to solve it.

As long as Aero is enabled, that is. Window Capture is faster with Aero enabled.