Bug Report problem with Audio Track Record


New Member
i have problem - when i start to record with above 60 fps like 75 or 120 and Stop recording he told me stopping recording [FREEZE] ... like the screenshot , and i figure out if i turned off the audio track 2 will work fine Can please Help me i need Record with 2 Tracks audio and 120 FPS
As shown in the image attached, whenever I try to record using OBS I get this error. I've tried a few possible solutions but the issue persists
- GPU Driver is up to date
- OBS is up to date
- OBS is set to use my GPU in the Nvidia Control Panel
- OBS is shown as using the GPU Engine in the Task Manager

A - I have tried using NVIDIA NVENC H.264 and NVIDIA NVENC H.264 (new), but I encounter the same error, but its working fine with [x264]
but he take so much fps.

I restarted my computer after the GPU Driver Update
I restarted my computer after the OBS Update
I restarted my computer after changing the settings in the Nvidia Control Panel
I have been installed a new Windows !

And if you tell me that the problem form a sound is not true because CoreAudio Enabled before
[ Enable CoreAudio AAC encoder > Enable ]

B - This problem happens to me when I start record above 60 fps like 75 or 120.

Using Nvidia's included Shadow Play and Instant Replay works perfectly fine. But I also need to capture multiple audio sources and webcams sometimes, and OBS is the tool for the job.

LOGFILE : https://obsproject.com/logs/pWf8U_qABV0H2Z5y

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Active Member
According to the log, you seem to record 2 audio devices, speakers and mic. But OBS wasn't able to access the microphone device, and this may be the cause of your recording problem. Make sure the mic is connected as long as you include it in OBS recordings.


New Member
if i start to record with 60 fps works fine but i need to record with 120 fps my pc can handle that !