Question / Help Preview window and stream output suddenly cropped


New Member
This is a strange problem that started happening quite suddenly a few minutes ago. I was setting up a scene, and when I tried to go live, both the OBS preview view as well as the actual stream output are cropped.

Here's what I mean:


The output should be filling that preview space.

This happens for all scenes. I have no idea what's going on.


New Member
Well, I didn't notice any problems in the settings, but I eventually fixed this by manually editing the "Untitled.ini" file in the OBS/profiles folder. Somehow the "BaseHeight" setting had been changed to only 128 so I changed it to 1080, saved, and restarted OBS.

I now realize that this is probably something I could have changed in the settings without having to open the INI file... but at the time I didn't notice anything out of place. Quite strange that it would randomly change on its own like that. The base resolution is something I never change and haven't touched since I set up OBS for the first time several weeks ago. Well, just glad it's working now.

For the record, I typically use 64 bit OBS and in trying for a fix I tried the 32 bit version and it caused my desktop to become less and less responsive until I eventually just had to do a hard reset.