Preview Feature


New Member
Hello. I was wondering if there will ever be an plugin/feature that will have a permament preview, similiar to that other streaming app which must not be named because of the curse of jolly roger. At the moment its very difficult to record short clips locally using OBS with a capture card, because the screen is black, then flips on. Hoping there's a workaround already, or something in the works. Thanks.


Forum Admin
It has been requested before, hopefully eventually.

This post should be in the feature requests subforum. This subforum is for actual development for OBS, like programming questions.


New Member
Perhaps a way to fall back to the previous state when pressing to stop stream.

So if you had preview active, you'd be able to select Start Streaming, and it would then go from Preview to Streaming.

If you stopped streaming, then it would go (in this case) from Streaming to Preview.

dodgepong said:
It has been requested before, hopefully eventually.

This post should be in the feature requests subforum. This subforum is for actual development for OBS, like programming questions.

Feature requests subforum? I believe this is it?

The development subforum, however, is below this one in the main forum tree, under Development.


Forum Admin
JohnB said:
dodgepong said:
It has been requested before, hopefully eventually.

This post should be in the feature requests subforum. This subforum is for actual development for OBS, like programming questions.

Feature requests subforum? I believe this is it?

The development subforum, however, is below this one in the main forum tree, under Development.
When I first replied to this post, it was in the Development subforum. A mod moved it here, but didn't leave a note.