720@30 2400 bitrate. i7 does not mean its the desktop equivalent of an i7. its more like a slow i5 equivalent since its lower Ghz and power consumption.msi ge70 apache pro 2pe
i7-4710hq 3.5ghz
nvidia geforce gtx860m 2gb
8gb ram 1600mhz
upload 3mb
can someone help me with very good settings to CS:GO FPS did not fall as much as it's going so far?
Well you are using NVENC. which will affect quality but take the pressure from your CPU. x264 offers the best quality per bitrate but only uses the CPU which might not be good for some CPU heavy games.https://gist.github.com/75b66ec64b0dec78f8bd
2.5GHz ~ 3.5GHz (Turbo)
* i don't know what settings to make here. (to be the best settings)