Bug Report Potential capture framerate bug related to refresh rate


New Member
I recently discovered the root of my problem with my streaming framerate. My issue was that my stream would broadcast in half the framerate I selected.

My setup consists of two monitors, one at 60hz, the other at 120hz. I run my games on the 120hz monitor (which is set as my primary display), and have OBS on my 60hz screen for stats viewing etc. When I would set my stream to 60fps, it would look like 30fps, when I set it to 30fps it would look like 15fps etc. The fps looked halved both in the OBS preview window and in my stream.

To fix this issue, all I did was set my gaming monitor's refresh rate to 60hz. I'm guessing the software is using my monitor's refresh rate in some way to calculate when to grab frames or something like that but not taking into account the differing refresh rates.