Question / Help Please help with game audio delay


New Member
All of a sudden I am getting 3-4 second delay in game audio when streaming to Twitch. Friday stream was normal. Streamed on Saturday and all of a sudden I have the delay. I did not change anything audio related in OBS. Can someone please help with this? I have tried turning off audio sync, even though I always had it on. I even tried to offset the delay but it didn't seem to help. I even rolled by the windows update that installed overnight Friday. Here are my Friday logs and Saturday logs. First link is Friday...thanks!


New Member
When looking at the previous broadcast...i can hear a muffled version of sounds followed by normal sounding version which is then delayed. The first muffled version is synced. I use a streaming pc and gaming pc. The hdmi audio is set to listen to this device.

When previewing in OBS, I can watch the audio level move up in a delayed manner as well. I just noticed that.
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New Member
All of a sudden I am getting 3-4 second delay in game audio when streaming to Twitch. Friday stream was normal. Streamed on Saturday and all of a sudden I have the delay. I did not change anything audio related in OBS. Can someone please help with this? I have tried turning off audio sync, even though I always had it on. I even tried to offset the delay but it didn't seem to help. I even rolled by the windows update that installed overnight Friday. Here are my Friday logs and Saturday logs. First link is Friday...thanks!

Ok so even though I rebooted my gaming and pc computers trouble shooting this issue...I just shut them both down. Powered on the gaming pc and once it was booted up, powered up the streaming pc. The delay is now gone. Can anyone explain that? I would love my logs to be looked at for any other unknown issues I might have.


New Member
Hey Soup006,

Did you ever find the culprit causing this sudden delay? I'm having the exact same issue. Streaming from one PC to another (over direct ethernet, no capture card because there is no capture card for my resolution (3440x1440)) it works flawlessly one night, then all of a sudden another evening people comment on the chat that the audio is out of sync (5 seconds off!). OBS on the gaming pc is still in sync, but audio is waaay off on streaming pc. Restarting both OBS'es always fixes the issue. Sometimes it's back within minutes, sometimes it is gone for days....I cant seem to find the reason....

All the best,
