Whenever I begin streaming / preview streaming this happens. Everything's fine until 30fps (I can do 60 but I do 30) and then if I switch to a scene with a monitor capture it goes BOOM right to 15. . .No explanation Aero is Disabled and I still can't figure it out... PLEASE HELP ASAP I stream 40 hours a week and I need this fixed I've had complaints in my stream.
INFO - It switches to 15 FPS ONLY when I use a scene with a monitor capture or turn on monitor capture until then ZERO problems. It stays at 15-16 FPS as if I have it set to 15...Never goes back to 30 EVEN if I switch back to another scene or turn off the capture for the stream. The only way it goes back to 30FPS is if I end the stream and restart it staying away from the Monitor capture scene PLEASE help!
www.stream.me/iammrdisaster It's stopping me from streaming ANY xbox one games.
INFO - It switches to 15 FPS ONLY when I use a scene with a monitor capture or turn on monitor capture until then ZERO problems. It stays at 15-16 FPS as if I have it set to 15...Never goes back to 30 EVEN if I switch back to another scene or turn off the capture for the stream. The only way it goes back to 30FPS is if I end the stream and restart it staying away from the Monitor capture scene PLEASE help!
www.stream.me/iammrdisaster It's stopping me from streaming ANY xbox one games.