Please help me. My final recording is not fit to screen when I record to 1080p from 1440p


New Member
I cant figure out how to continuously record to 1080p from a 1440p without messing up the final recording output since there is a "kind of black L" space when using 1080p from 1440p, and sometimes my game crashes when I rescale in-game.

I use display resolution as 1440p.
OBS video general base canvas & output scaled resos are both 1440p
OBS output recording rescale output is 1440p also

I wanted to do benchmarks per game without cuts, yeah I know I can record differently in 1080p and 1440p but I see people in YT do videos without cuts per game where they rescale from 1440p to 1080p vv

I have 32gb ram and rx7800xt

Please help me.
Thank you very much in advance!


Active Member
Uh, I'm not sure what you are asking.
1,440 pixels of content is not (and can NOT by definition be) 1,080 pixels of content, without some manipulation (re-scaling, trimming, cropping, something). same as you can't get a 3ft straight stick in a 1ft square box with bending, breaking, etc. ... something has to give.
Your decision is what you want to have 'give'

Think like a physical box of length 20x15 and another at 20x14 (whether metric or imperial measurement doesn't matter, it is the ratio concept). You are Recording at, from this example perspective, 20x15. But you want to display in 20x14 (again, actual numbers don't matter, fee free to replace with actual screen resolution). If you prioritize keeping the entire width content intact, you get a lack of content (black bar) at top/and or bottom. If you re-scale/size vertically, you'll crop off one or both edges (width). To fit 20x15 content into 20x14 window, you have to crop some portion of the frame, or go with uneven re-scaling (ie a circle in original Recording won't be a perfect circle after re-framing). There many methods, some rather old, to make the un-even re-scaling is less visually noticeable (ie more adjustment on edges of the frame vs center)... I recall having option of various re-scaling techniques built into many decent TVs when first moving away from 480i back in the day to 720 then 1080 screens.

I'm not aware of any magic. There are re-scaling approaches that will often be hard to detect... but depending on content, you will notice if you know what you are looking at. Then again, I may be misunderstanding, or there may be techniques I'm not aware of.
let's see what others respond with