Question / Help Pixellation Issues


Forum Moderator
Community Helper
This means the bitrate is too low. Keep in mind YouTube re-encode everything, so you may need to go even higher.


you have a 2080 use nvenc its better then your x264 settings
nvenc operates ~ x264 medium settings mutch better then your current presets


Active Member
Definitely swap to NVENC, on a 20-series card it's around the quality of x264 Medium, sometimes dipping to Slow. Much better than the Veryfast you're running on at the moment.
1080p60 wants around 12mbps for average gameplay; for high-motion games, especially with significant amounts of fine detail like grass, even more is needed. And YouTube mangles things on their end, so even MORE is needed. Probably would try around 15mbps if you have the bandwidth, but it may need to go even higher.