Question / Help Pixelated Stream, No Matter what the settings are.


New Member
I have been struggling with this for longest time. I cant seem to find any settings that will stop the pixelation.
As a streamer I stream minecraft, and cant seem to find the proper settings for my pc. I have tried the OBS Settings Estimator but the settings I was given still did not solve the pixelation.

Current settings:
Encoding -
Broadcast Settings -
Video -
Advanced -

Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-Z170XP-SLI
Videocard - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 - 2GB
CPU - Intel® Core™ i5-6600K Processor (4x 3.50GHz/6MB L3 Cache)
RAM - 16 GB [8 GB X2] DDR4-2800 Memory Module - G.SKILL Ripjaws V

Internet Speed:
Download - 74.06 Mbps
Upload - 16.04 Mbps

My settings are probably all kinds of wrong. But if anyone can help fix the pixelation please help.

I have tried lowering my bitrate to 2000 - 2500 but it only makes it worse.


New Member
First off all: NVEnc has lower quality than x264.
Streaming 1080p @ 60 fps would require a much higher bitrate than for expample twitch allows you to use as a non-partnered streamer to be good enough quality. 3000 kb/s are just not enough for producing a non-pixelated image at this resolution and framerate.

My recommendation would be to scale down your stream to 720p @ 30 fps and not to go over 3000 kb/s if you want to stream on twitch.