Question / Help Pixelated and Blurry Stream since 2 days.


New Member
Hey guys,

i have a big problem and i don't know how to solve it on my own, i tried nearly every setting i could imagine.
Here is an example, check out 2nd or 3rd minute for extreme example when i run around outside on the grass.

Here are my Settings, hope you can read it, i'm at work atm and these pictures are screenshots from my stream :

I'm using Windows 8, 8GB of Ram, i5 2nd Generation @ 4.5Ghz and i have 2.5Mb upload.

Could this happen cause of Monitor Capture ? I think Game Capture didn't work since i play my Games in Windowed Mode.

But my Cam also became pixelated when i moved around in the game.

Thank you very much!


Town drunk
Frankly, I think it's just because scenes like that are pretty stressful on the encoder. Though you are admittedly running a fairly low bitrate for 720p60fps.

Also, your keyframe interval is wrong. The keyframe interval in the Advanced section is in seconds, not in frames. You just need to put 2 for a 2 second interval. You set it to 120 which means one keyframe every....2 minutes. keyint=120 is the custom x264 command you would enter, which is measured in frames but there's no need to do this anymore


New Member
Thank you for your reply but it's only in the beginning of the logFile. I changed the keyframe back to 2, only tried it cause of a viewer to show him that he has to enter 2 not 2xFPS.
It's the same with 720p30fps. Usually i set my bitrate to 1900 and played PayDay2, Spelunky, Primordia, DayZ, Deadlight and other games whitout such pixelated moments, same Settings. My followers also said that everything was okay before. I'll just try to check Game Capture maybe thats the solution.


Watching right now, while you're at 720p@60 FPS and, you know... for 720@60 FPS on roughly 2000 Kbps it actually looks fine. What you have to remember is that no matter how much you try, there is a really hard limit on live streaming quality. Just because it has to be done real time, with a 1-pass encode.

But, I find your stream quite watchable really.


Yeah, it's not too bad. I don't mean to sound snobby, but it's not like anyone is really missing anything by not seeing that grass in its full 720p glory. As mentioned, there are limits to livestreaming. Some scenes are just really difficult for the encoder and will result in some ugly pixelation. Not much we can really do about it.

The solutions are 1) turn up the bitrate (most people are already near their max upload speed, and Twitch doesn't want anyone to go above 3500kbps anyway) and 2) use stricter x264 settings (which is difficult because you will quickly find yourself losing performance in-game since everything is fighting for the same CPU space). Or 3) accept the minor flaws and enjoy yourself anyway :D


New Member
Okay guys, thanks again for the reply and your help! It's funny, have you ever had such moments when you think back to something and you are 100% sure that there was a moment or something else you can remember and you think it was 100% like that but when you see a Video, photo or whatever from this moment, you were wrong ?
It was the same with my viewers they watched my stream the whole week and 2 days ago they said "hey why are your quality so pixelated and crappy today, i can't watch this. Yesterday everything was crystal clear, what happened?" ( or something similar ). And it was not only 1 a lot of viewers statisfied this...i checked the 7min video i posted above and thought "WTF happened to my quality i can't even recognize my own face" ( It's not like only the grass is a bit pixelated everything is extremely pixelated when i'm running around outside ). So i believed them but today after your answeres i we checked my replay from sunday the day they said everything was fine and they are 100% sure and what can we see ? The same sh*t haha :D.
So it seems like the game is rly hard to encode ore something like this cause i never had such problems with other games but on sunday when i had the most viewers no one complained about's unbelievable.
I also tried to raise my bitrate to 2200 and x264 on fast instead of veryfast but there was no difference in Quality.
So i set everything like it was before and we stopped talking about it to forget it haha.
Thanks again!