Pixelate overlay


New Member
I wonder if it would be possible to get an overlay with which we can pixelate a certain area of the stream. DayZ Stand alone gives me server sided messages, amongst others, and these need to be covered to counter stream sniping. Pixelating an area is a much more elegant and less disturbing/intervening then overlayting an image if a facecam or chat overlay is not used.

Or can this be done with a well made transparant image?

Thanks in advance,


New Member
A transparent Image wouldn't work since the background is changing and the "pixelate effect" changes with the background. You could maybe could just use a Pixelate'd picture of that part (I don't know what it looks like).

A plugin would do a way better job...


New Member
Thanks for the reply greenbigfrog. But a pixelated image of the area does not work as we are talking game capture.



The Helping Squad
I would think something like an image mask filter where the masked off area would be blurred could maybe be done.
You would add the filter to the desired source (for example game capture), choose an image that has the areas marked black that should be blurred, and the rest transparent for example.
Now we just need someone that can code it :)