Question / Help Ping spikes/Ping schwankt


New Member
im new here i have a question.
I have since 2 days a new Router the Router named "speedporthybridrouter" from telekom.
My Downloadrate is 18,77 Mbit/s and uplaodrate is 9,57 Mbit/s and Ping 30
My Pc: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GhZ 3.60 GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970

My Problem is that when i Play counterstrike and im Streaming the ping ingame is spiking. I have a normal ping like 40 when i stream but it always going up to 55-90 every 4 seconds. It always spiking the ping never constant.When i take the stream off i have a constant ping by 20.... I cant Play like this because it is a fps game and i cant Play with this laggs.i enabled Minimize Network Impact. I hope that someone had the same Problem and know a solution for this.. I really want to stream i only buy this router for Streaming and now it's not working:( Im sorry for the bad english...
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