Bug Report Ping instability


New Member
Until a few days I could make League of Legends stream with an average quality and stable ping.
After upgrading OBS and with the same settings I can not stream because I have lag spikes.

I tried to install an older version of OBS and I have the same problem.
I checked my internet connection and all seems normal.
Without the OBS I have 0 lag problems.
I have set maximum bitrate to 500 ~ but OBS use 400-700. (previously had 500 without any lag problem and decent quality)
I tested with and without CBR but none suits me (previously had it off and was 100% stable)

What can it be? :(

(Sorry about my english)


New Member
Fixed !!

I changed DNS + instaled 542b OBS version and it works! (Latest version dont work for me cuz lag spikes)


Community Helper
Why doesn't the latest version work? Can you post a log from the latest version? The new version shouldn't have made a difference.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
You may want to try out "minimize network impact" in broadcast settings, though if this changed with the version it could be the new 0.55+ network code, not entirely sure