Bug Report Picture will not re-size.


The Helping Squad
First click on Preview Stream, then click on Edit scene (marked in the picture below)

Then you should be able to resize and move any picture as you want to. (I marked the 4 corners for resizing, but you can also use the sides)


New Member
Jack0r said:
First click on Preview Stream, then click on Edit scene (marked in the picture below)

Then you should be able to resize and move any picture as you want to. (I marked the 4 corners for resizing, but you can also use the sides)

Yes...I know. It just won't let me re-size. It's stuck.


The Helping Squad
Hmm, I am a bit out of ideas. Does it happen for all of your pictures?
And have you tried adding a different source, does resizing work for you then?


New Member
Jack0r said:
Hmm, I am a bit out of ideas. Does it happen for all of your pictures?
And have you tried adding a different source, does resizing work for you then?

Happens for all pictures and any picture types (ex .gif).
I tried using a different Source and still nothing.