PC looses entire internet connection while streaming every ~~ 3 hrs


New Member
i did the following ALL at once

-switch audio from 48khz to 44...
-switched audio bitrate from 320 to 128
- bitrate from 8000 to 6000
- switch my profile to something else and back...

i streamed for 12 hours without any problems lol


New Member
19:33:43.577: WriteN, RTMP send error 10054 (4097 bytes)
19:33:43.577: WriteN, RTMP send error 10054 (80 bytes)
19:33:43.577: WriteN, RTMP send error 10038 (42 bytes)
19:33:43.577: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Disconnected from rtmp://fra02.contribute.live-video.net/app"

Problem still persists, switched computer, called ISP, reinstalled obs, changed switch,changed ethernet cable
what do?


New Member
19:33:43.577: WriteN, RTMP send error 10054 (4097 bytes)
19:33:43.577: WriteN, RTMP send error 10054 (80 bytes)
19:33:43.577: WriteN, RTMP send error 10038 (42 bytes)
19:33:43.577: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Disconnected from rtmp://fra02.contribute.live-video.net/app"

Problem still persists, switched computer, called ISP, reinstalled obs, changed switch,changed ethernet cable
what do?


several others have the same issue and switch to version 25 and the issue stopped appearing

Tomasz Góral

Active Member
How you check internet connection ?
I ask because Internet is 70000+ diffrents networks (operators), data from your small network follow go to target over few networks, any of that networks can be broken.
To check where the problem occurs, use WinMTR.


New Member
How you check internet connection ?
I ask because Internet is 70000+ diffrents networks (operators), data from your small network follow go to target over few networks, any of that networks can be broken.
To check where the problem occurs, use WinMTR.
What should i use as host? i cant enter the twitch server im streaming too?
(i mean the rtmp ingest adress)


New Member

i heard that its impossible to ping the ingest server - likely a safety measure to prevent pings. is this correct? or does this show an error?

Tomasz Góral

Active Member
Yes some servers blocking ping, but middle servers possible to answer.
Watch on answer 300 ms avr and worst 4000 ms (4 seconds).
Your network is bad, check to other servers in internet.

Tomasz Góral

Active Member
Probe must be little longer, like 100 - 400 ping not 10 or 20.
Bad blured - p3e9bf6bd.dip0.t-ipconnect.de - this is your IP address then blur, rest leave because many people use the same bridge routers.

Last picture looks good, if you can resize packet from default (32 bytes) to e.g. 500, this value better simulate network usage.


New Member
Probe must be little longer, like 100 - 400 ping not 10 or 20.
Bad blured - p3e9bf6bd.dip0.t-ipconnect.de - this is your IP address then blur, rest leave because many people use the same bridge routers.

Last picture looks good, if you can resize packet from default (32 bytes) to e.g. 500, this value better simulate network usage.

is it the node?
Hello! So, I have similar problem. 2 pc connected to each other:
#1 - desktop pc, windows 10, gaming computer - with obs, transmitting via NDI Output to other computer;
#2 - macbook pro M1Max 64Gb, streaming computer - with obs, receiving NDI with NDI plugin (and audio is receiving also via NDI but with NDI Monitor because of pluglin problem - they are trying to correct it).
Anyway, the problem is, sometimes my twitch connection just stops. KBs/s goes to 0 and I first time thought it was OBS problem but i realised only #2 computer lost internet connection (the port on the router completly stops, it cant comunicate with #1 computer, it cant open a webpage, nothing). What I found is that it only happens (I´m almost 100% sure it´s this but have to check it better) when I´m receiving data from #1 to #2. I mean, if I´m only streaming via #2 for example for "just chatting", I can be hours streaming. Also, If I´m playing a game on #1 transmitting to #2 so that #2 transmits to twitch, It can stop after some minutes, or it can be for 2 or 3 hours and never goes down.
I changed router to a brand new from my ISP, I called ISP and they say there´s no problem on the service I´m receiving, so my only thing is: maybe it´s too much data communicating with the 2 computers that "blocks" my transmitting port. I have to reset router so i can have internet , or LAN communication, again on that router port. If I do this in other router port, the problem is the same. Cables are Cat6, and I´ve tried to change the 2 cables, the problem is the same for the port where transmitting computer is connected.
Is it possible that a Switch connecting the 2 computers and then connecting it to ISP router, will make this problem go away?