Question / Help Pausing the Recorder?


New Member

I have just recently downloaded OBS and I'm trying to learn the ropes. My recording software before this was Microsoft Expression Encoder, but I've been wanting to switch for a while because the framerate on Microsoft was not very high. My only problem now is, I haven't any idea how to pause this recorder while recording (in order to skip right to the exciting parts of gameplay or go and use the restroom while playing). I'm... not even really sure what the difference between Classic and Studio mode is, though I am able to switch to "studio mode" in the software, so I hope I'm posting this in the correct place.

My only question; is pausing and unpausing the recorder possible, or is that feature still being implemented?



Hi Allen,

There is no "Pause" feature for recording, you either stop or start the recording.

Studio mode is (in my experience) used for previewing or editing another scene before transitioning to it. Normally, you can only edit a scene when it is the active one, though if you are "live", this can be a pain in having your viewers suffer through your edits.


New Member
I see. Any idea if they will ever be adding this? In my experience, it's a very useful tool, so as not to bore your viewers.

If not, any good editing software you'd recommend? xD


Active Member
Try Settings/Hotkeys...You can set a hotkey to pause and start recording.

My mistake..You can start and stop not pause and resume...


New Member
Darn! You got my hopes up there, man! xD

Well, it seems this software isn't really supposed to be used for recording anyway. Thanks guys


Active Member
I use Windows Movie Maker to add clips and edit then..
It's pretty good and easy to use and it's free..


New Member
I used the programs oCam and Apowersoft to make video tutorials to be published on Youtube. The "Pause" function is important, even vital.
All Screen Video Recording programs have the Pause feature and it's strange that OBS does not have it.
I think the problem is related to the difficulty of maintaining audio / video synchronization during pause because the program contains (in one interface) both the broadcasting settings and the simple video recording.
In the case of broadcasting, in fact, the Pause feature is not useful because during live broadcasts it makes no sense to pause. In the case of other uses (Video Tutorial), the Pause function is indispensable. SW, however, because of the unique interface, can not handle the parameters for the two settings, so developers have thought, simply (!), To exclude the Pause button.
I think the problem could be resolved if the developers "separate" the functions: a stand-alone SW for the broadcasting function and a SW standalone for the video screen recorder function.
Or not? ;)


You don't pause/resume live streams. You throw up a "Returning shortly" Scene.

For recording though, I'm finding myself wanting a pause and resume feature myself. If I can avoid having to do video editing, the better. For me, its a pain in the butt to have to transfer large MP4 files over the network to another video editing machine and fire up Adobe Premiere just to import multiple MP4's in and aggregate them together. Then, having to export it too (which can take 30+ minutes or more). This, as opposed to just uploading the MP4 to YouTube.

My hunch though is that introducing this kind of pause/resume feature is a delicate matter and could introduce more problems than what it is worth.


New Member
Guys, with the due respect, but I think that's not up to the OBS team to decide if I should or should not pause during a streaming or recording.

I'm recording videos where I'm showing how to install some software that can take several minutes to install and requires several dependencies to be installed, too.

So, you're saying that either I should record all the the operation or initiate the installation (so my audience will try another video), stop the video, wait for the for the installation to complete, start another video, repeat the procedures until all the installations are done, and then save the video, or create another scene, whatever... etc.

Maybe it would be simpler (for us, the final users) if you just add a pause button? If that's not possible technically, I'm really curious to know why.

Please, let me know if I am missing something. Thank you.


This User.


New Member
Guys, let me change my communication strategy...

Here's how I see myself and other users in this particular case:


Here's how I see the position adopted by the OBS Team:


Got it?


Active Member
Guys, with the due respect, but I think that's not up to the OBS team to decide if I should or should not pause during a streaming or recording.

I'm recording videos where I'm showing how to install some software that can take several minutes to install and requires several dependencies to be installed, too.

So, you're saying that either I should record all the the operation or initiate the installation (so my audience will try another video), stop the video, wait for the for the installation to complete, start another video, repeat the procedures until all the installations are done, and then save the video, or create another scene, whatever... etc.

Maybe it would be simpler (for us, the final users) if you just add a pause button? If that's not possible technically, I'm really curious to know why.

Please, let me know if I am missing something. Thank you.


This User.

It IS up to the OBS team to decide to add pausing or not.
Also not really sure why you would want to pause a stream, that seems quite useless since you can just put up a "be right back" scene or w/e.
For a recording I can understand it's usefulness, but you can also edit the video in a video editor and remove all the unwanted stuff.
The dev isn't necessarily against pausing, it just isn't considered a very high priority.
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New Member
Dear Osiris,

I totally agree that is IS up to the OBS Team decide to add pausing or not. But if you read my message correctly I said "but I think that's not up to the OBS team to decide if I should or should not pause during a streaming or recording". Please, notice that I'm saying that's it's my decision to do that and I don't have to explain anybody about that.

So, if you guys prefer to keep this feature out of the application - in spite of the user's requests - it's up to you. Other people I've talked about this issue they (and also myself) were quite surprised that the app doesn't have this feature. It's there in all recorder devices in the world - a simple and basic pause button. I just don't know why you decide so ardently to not add it to the app.

But if you guys prefer do not answer the question made, confront the users, and suggest the same solution that was initially rejected, you have all the right to do it.

However, if you explain kindly and technically from developer to developer (yes, I'm a developer) I will much appreciate and we will have this conversation over.

Thank you.


This User.


New Member
Osiris, sorry for the rude previous message. You said that it's not a priority for the dev team, and I respect that.

I really liked OBS Studio and spent several days studying a bunch of applications for video recording. When I finally decided for OBS Studio I spent several hours testing resources etc. When I had everything planned and started the video, the pause button...

It's my mistake that I haven't noticed that the app doesn't have that feature, not yours.

So, I apologize again and will come back to my research. I wish you guys good luck and success.


Almir Campos.


Active Member
Dear Osiris,

I totally agree that is IS up to the OBS Team decide to add pausing or not. But if you read my message correctly I said "but I think that's not up to the OBS team to decide if I should or should not pause during a streaming or recording". Please, notice that I'm saying that's it's my decision to do that and I don't have to explain anybody about that.

So, if you guys prefer to keep this feature out of the application - in spite of the user's requests - it's up to you. Other people I've talked about this issue they (and also myself) were quite surprised that the app doesn't have this feature. It's there in all recorder devices in the world - a simple and basic pause button. I just don't know why you decide so ardently to not add it to the app.

But if you guys prefer do not answer the question made, confront the users, and suggest the same solution that was initially rejected, you have all the right to do it.

However, if you explain kindly and technically from developer to developer (yes, I'm a developer) I will much appreciate and we will have this conversation over.

Thank you.


This User.

Noone has decided to not add a pause feature to OBS though, if a contributor decided to create such a feature i'm sure it will be accepted. There is only 1 full-time dev working on OBS.


New Member
Splicing videos isn't exactly hard to do in editing software.

I'm sorry but that's not a useful reply here. That's an extremely narrow minded and impractical view. In reality, it's not about is it hard or not. It's that . having to splice is extremely TIME CONSUMING and a very inefficient way of recording.

I agree with the OP, that having a pause button would be a huge efficiency added to OBS and I'm really amazed there wasn't one from the start when this thing went live years ago. I do not want to splice every time I need to pause and think about how I want the next sentence to come out or be if say

For example if I am screen casting a code cast locally (not live) or presentation. I don't want to splice every time I want to think about how I want to say the next few sentences.

Splicing should be voluntary, not mandatory or the only option when you're recording.

OBS originators: wake up and listen to your consumers. Maybe whoever runs this open source project or someone can add this to the roadmap instead of debating it here. Just add it to the roadmap and make it a priority for whoever wants to pick off the list of features that are most critical.


Active Member
Adding it to a roadmap won't increase the chances of a contributor adding that feature, they could have added it as feature ever since OBS Studio was first created. The OBS dev is well aware that there are people who would like a pause feature, it is just not considered a top priority.
Is there an OBS bugtracker or similar that allows users to vote on feature requests?

I'm using OBS for recording (not streaming) and I'm making like 100 2-minute videos in a row, and there are times where I need to pause to look something up. It would be very convenient to just pause the recording, look up what I need, and unpause it. The overhead of editing a bunch of tiny videos outweighs the time it takes to make them so I end up having to just stop OBS look up what I need, and then redo the video from scratch again.

I think OBS has grown quite a lot beyond its initial user base of streamers and is getting used for a lot of things. My team will consider contributing a pause button to OBS assuming there is a reasonable chance of it getting in (one of our co-founders is Qt Specialist certified). The tone in this thread, however, makes it feel like even if we write a pause button it won't be accepted due to the developers thinking it shouldn't be a feature (and we are not interested in maintaining a fork just for this one feature).

So please let me know - assuming the feature is implemented according to general project coding and UI/UX standards will it be considered or rejected outright?


Is there an OBS bugtracker or similar that allows users to vote on feature requests?

I'm using OBS for recording (not streaming) and I'm making like 100 2-minute videos in a row, and there are times where I need to pause to look something up. It would be very convenient to just pause the recording, look up what I need, and unpause it. The overhead of editing a bunch of tiny videos outweighs the time it takes to make them so I end up having to just stop OBS look up what I need, and then redo the video from scratch again.

I think OBS has grown quite a lot beyond its initial user base of streamers and is getting used for a lot of things. My team will consider contributing a pause button to OBS assuming there is a reasonable chance of it getting in (one of our co-founders is Qt Specialist certified). The tone in this thread, however, makes it feel like even if we write a pause button it won't be accepted due to the developers thinking it shouldn't be a feature (and we are not interested in maintaining a fork just for this one feature).

So please let me know - assuming the feature is implemented according to general project coding and UI/UX standards will it be considered or rejected outright?
To request a pause plugin:
To suggest an official pausing addition: