pass filename on command line for recording

Brad Jensen

New Member
I am using obs command line -start to do a single screen recording of my software. I would like to be able to name the output file. so far I can either give and explicit filename in the setions (abc.mp4) or use .mp4 as the filename and get the date and time only. i would like to be able to start obs with a file "c:\yada\project.mp4" for example. Wine to be in the multi version. Also is it possible now to use wildcards in the filepath setting, like project*.mp4 so obs adds the date and time to the name?

I am launch obs as a proc in using -start, and then at the end of the recording I send OBS a stop recording and then alt-f4 to end the program, and this works.

another alternative is to have a hotkey to a command entry screen , then sendkeys things like file abc.mp4 {enter}start {enter}. you can also write to standard input and trap standard output easily from

I will put a video of how to configure obs and the vb code to automate it on Youtube, bt what forum should I post this on here?