Question / Help Parameters - Command Line


New Member
Hi, i was looking for any documentation about parameters for start OBS from command line

I read other post about "obs.exe start" for start recording, i am looking for for Start Streaming but only can found "obs.exe -multi"

Where can obtain a list of commands ?

I tried
obs.exe /?
obs.exe /h
obs.exe --h
obs.exe -help

but don't show to me anything

I am looking for create a shorcut on startup, for call to obs and start automatically start streaming on last configured profile



Forum Moderator
I don't think there's a list of startup parameters anywhere. You can use -start to trigger OBS to begin broadcasting on launch.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
  • -multi -- allows you to launch multiple instances of OBS at the same time
  • -portable -- makes it so the settings directory is the same directory in which OBS.exe is, instead of %appdata%\obs (can also be enabled by having a blank file with the name "obs_portable_mode", no extension)
  • -start -- starts streaming/recording after starting up


New Member
Is there any way to choose a specific profile with a command line parameter? I have 10+ profiles and I would like to create a shotcut for each of them.



Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Oh, hm. No, not currently. I should probably add that in the future, that's a good idea.


New Member
Thanks, that would be really cool. In my case I have around 100 different stream names each corresponding to a different profile. And the manual profile switching sometimes is a pain in the ass :)



Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
There you go. 0.613. Added a -profile command line option which will load up a custom profile. Remember to use double quotes if the name has spaces.


New Member
Hi there, I'm very exciting for the -profile command ,but at the same time I thought about if there can have a -scenes command to load up a custom scenes?
I think It would be a wonderful command ,too.



New Member
Oh , It's almost there .

The following commands can be used:
  • -multi : start multiple instances of OBS (combine with -profile and or -portable)
  • -portable : run OBS in a portable mode that saves all settings to the main OBS folder, instead of your %appdata% folder
  • -start : run OBS and automatically start streaming (and recording if that is activated)
  • -profile "profile name" : start OBS with mentioned profile
  • -scenecollection "scene collection name" : start OBS with mentioned scene collection

It was very wondeful and a lot of thanks!!


New Member
Is there a way to stop the recording after a given time or in any other way without using hotkeys or pressing the 'stop' button? Thanks!


New Member
I'm running OBS on Ubuntu 16.04. I can start the program from a bash prompt, but I can't seem to get it to start in streaming mode from the command line:

obs -start
opens OBS, but not in streaming mode - someone still has to click the Start Streaming button. Is the command different in Linux?



New Member
  • -multi -- allows you to launch multiple instances of OBS at the same time
  • -portable -- makes it so the settings directory is the same directory in which OBS.exe is, instead of %appdata%\obs (can also be enabled by having a blank file with the name "obs_portable_mode", no extension)
  • -start -- starts streaming/recording after starting up
Where do I enter these command lines?