Question / Help Overwatch @720p 30fps (i5-4690k@4ghz + gtx 960 4gb) help!


New Member
So, I have been streaming for a little while and I see people can streaming using lower components @720p 30fps but I am having problems with it. I usually bounce between 30-40fps In-game @720p and 50fps @480p, I want a solid 70-80fps in-game

My basic settings:
buffer size- 2500
x264 encoding(would nvenc make my quality bad and would it take the stress of my cpu?)
720p @30fps

overwatch graphics are set to medium atm.

i5-4690k @4ghz
gtx 960 4gb
8gb ddr3 RAM

I want to run a 720p @30fps with atleast 70fps In-game, would I be able to do that?


Active Member
You may not be able to with just an i5. Set it up as well as you're able and post an OBS log file from a five minute or longer attempt.

NVEnc is low quality and near-zero CPU impact. I only find it to be good enough for recording, not streaming.