Question / Help Overlay to show that the video is being recorded?


New Member
This program is fantastic, but a few times, I've hit the record button but it doesn't work. I think it happens when I go into the game and hit my key too quickly.

Anyways, is there some kind of plugin to show that the video is being recorded? Similar to Fraps, doesn't have to be an FPS counter though. I just want something to show me the recording is happening.


The Helping Squad
How about adding a short sound to the start and stop of streaming?
An overlay is also a good Idea, but maybe "a bit complicated" to show in every circumstance, for example if you dont record a game?!

PS: The notification area icon shows the streaming state with a small red circle. For an overlay this would work as well I guess. (Blinking red circle in one corner)


New Member
Yeah, seems like there isn't much out there. Some noise would be nice as well, just something to say that the thing is being recorded.

I've also come to realize, and this may be some kind of glitch or something just for me that if I set a hotkey to start recording. I HAVE to start the game, ALT+TAB out of the game. Press the hotkey, ALT+TAB into the game, then when I finish recording, ALT+TAB out and press the hotkey again. Pressing the hotkey while in the game does nothing.

It's kind of a pain, but the quality is nicer than what Xsplit gives me and uses less resources than FRAPS. So far, it's probably the best software out there. I just hope this little bug gets fixed.


Active Member
The global hotkey thing can usually be fixed by running both OBS and the game under an Administrator account, if memory serves; you can also probably assign a modifier or two (ALT+SHIFT+R) to bypass any in-game trapping, unless the game forces full capture of the keyboard. Most of the games I play, I can quick start/stop recording with a hotkey just fine.