Question / Help Overlay Pixelating when Streaming


New Member
My overlay that I am using is 1920 x 1080. I stream in 1080 30fps. When I full screen preview the stream it looks great on OBS, but when I go to my twitch channel and look all the text is pixelated, as well as the edges of the overlay. The game footage looks fine. I have tried increasing the bitrate to 5k and streamed and no change. I was trying to upload a png of the difference but there is a 1mb limit. The following is a side-by-side. Any advice or suggestion would greatly be appreciated.


Forum Moderator
Stop trying to stream ArmA at 1080p. Downscale to 720p instead, though even then in games like ArmA it will look rough due to the amount of grass/foliage. It's simply too much detail to look good within Twitch's bitrate restrictions. Red text in particular will also look worse due to chroma subsampling.


New Member
Ok let me say this then. Rocket League, League of Legends, etc any non strenuous game that is easy to stream 1080. The overlay still looks like that. Is there a reason for this or is red text a bad thing? If you look at the top you will see the diagonal slants next to the streamer, myself, are pixelated. That should not be either.


Active Member
Yes, red is a problem for the type of encoding that livestreaming uses.

I've run into the same problems myself, for obvious reasons.