Bug Report Out of Memory Error when using Replay Buffer


New Member
This error only occurs when using the Replay Buffer, I set it to record the last 20 min. and after some time I get the error:

Error: Out of memory while trying to allocate 634880 bytes at 009EF1B0 (the last bit can change but it's always the same format)

I checked my HHD and SSD and have enough memory on both, I'm using 8Gb of RAM, a GTX970 and an intel core i7 4790k.

After getting the bug the game freezes for a little bit and the error message appears, then, after closing the message OBS crashes/closes, then I can continue playing but it won't record and everytime I try to use Replay Buffer the same thing happens.

Do you have any idea what might be causing this/is this a known issue?


  • 2016-09-01-1503-40.log
    4.9 KB · Views: 38


Forum Admin
Why the heck are you trying to record twenty freaking minutes of replay buffer? That's insane.

You're also recording 1080p, 60fps, with a crf=1. No wonder you're running out of buffer.


New Member
I used to record normally but whenever I moved in-game the recording would get pixelated, so I saw it somewhere that changing the cfr=1 and doing some other stuff would improve it and it worked, so if I record like that I get pretty good quality without any issues, however I wanted to use the replay buffer bcs sometimes a game goes really well or something cool happens in the match and I want to get the entire match, and just recording every match is awful bcs I end up with a lot of useless recordings, this way I can get the entire match without having to record evey game hoping that something cool happens.

But if you have any other recomended settings that won't pixalate the video then pls tell me, I'm open to suggestions


Forum Moderator
20 minutes replay buffer with crf=1 will need multiple Gigabytes of RAM.

Use crf=15 and then go up or down depending on your quality demand. 1 is near lossless and not needed.

Or just switch to OBS Studio and use its recording presets.


New Member
20 minutes replay buffer with crf=1 will need multiple Gigabytes of RAM.

Use crf=15 and then go up or down depending on your quality demand. 1 is near lossless and not needed.

Or just switch to OBS Studio and use its recording presets.

Ok, I'll try and will give feedback as soon as I can