Option not to ask for name when adding a Global Source.


New Member
I've always found it odd that you are asked to rename Global Sources when adding them to a scene. It makes sense for normal sources, but you've already named your Global Sources once before, so why ask to name them again? I'd personally like to be able to turn this off since I primarily use Global Sources and it gets annoying when adding them.


Forum Admin
Well the name defaults to whatever the Global Source name, so it's not that big of an issue if you ask me


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Forum Moderator
perhaps, but global sources are usually used for devices, and you don't want it to be "Capture Device", "Capture Device (2)", "Capture Device (3)" when adding a global source somewhere


New Member
Jim said:
perhaps, but global sources are usually used for devices, and you don't want it to be "Capture Device", "Capture Device (2)", "Capture Device (3)" when adding a global source somewhere
I rename my global sources to whatever I the source is (Dazzle, camera, etc.), so it seems redundant to have the option to name them again. I understand your point though, but I think that most people probably name their global sources. For regular sources, it totally makes sense.


Forum Moderator
On a slightly off-topic note, if the source could be named AFTER the configure dialogue comes up, it could automatically fill in something sensible like the device name. It'd require the ability to rename sources though.