Question / Help Optimal Settings for FPS / my build


New Member
Hi, I just started streaming using OBS and it's great. I want to know what the optimal settings would be for my build and internet connection:

Internet: 70/25 Fios internet
Motherboard: MSI Z87-G41 PC Mate
CPU: i5-4670k 3.4 GHz Haswell
Hard Drive: Samsung SSD 840 - 256gb
Graphics: MSI Radeon HD 7970

Settings such as fps, bitrate, etc. I mainly want the settings for FPS games (Counter-Strike GO), but if someone could also list optimal settings for League of Legends that would be great. I know they should be different. Thanks


New Member
I don't like that CPU estimator. It is way too broad and generalized, and does not even have my generation of CPU (I have 4th gen i5). Anyone else have recommendations please?


How about... you just try some things, ey? My point being -- There is no single answer, no ultimate solution. It all depends on far too many factors. As I said, use it as a basis from which to extend on. If you're going to sit there and just adopt a somewhat impatient attitude about this you will find people less than willing to offer a helping hand.


Active Member
basics on an i5 2nd sandy up to 4th gen haswell is literally the same in case of streaming.

quality 6-8 (depending on the game)
bitrate 3000 buffer 3000

audio aac bitrate 192

based on a 1920x1080 resolution you downscale by 1.5 to 1280x720
filter whatever looks better to you if you test those 3 and review your vods
FPS set to 60
Aero Disabled (using game capture)

check Multithread optimizations
process priority normal (default)

preset superfast
check constant framerate (CFR)

if your logs have lagged frames (not dropped) consider using custom x264 encoder settings and use opencl=true

everything else is literally trying around but those are based settings which actually are either default or also given by the estimator