Bug Report OBS Won't connect to Twitch.TV


New Member

i have a problem were my obs will not connect to twitch.tv at all i have allowed all passes through firewall and antiviruses but no work.. just wont connect so wondering if anyone can Help me out? :)


Forum Admin
What happens when you try? Please include screenshots, log files, error messages, etc.


Community Helper
That is not the full log...can you post the whole thing?

So the stream just doesn't every show up as live on Twitch, even though OBS appears to be streaming to it with no error?

And I'm sure you realize this, but that screenshot is of you previewing the stream, not actually streaming...just saying.


New Member
dodgepong said:
That is not the full log...can you post the whole thing?

So the stream just doesn't every show up as live on Twitch, even though OBS appears to be streaming to it with no error?

And I'm sure you realize this, but that screenshot is of you previewing the stream, not actually streaming...just saying.

Here is the full : http://pastebin.com/Ve5b2G6Q

and sorry, anyway the livestream stream stays offline when i start streaming.


New Member
R1CH said:
You need to press "Start Streaming", not "Preview Stream".

Wow, i sound stupid.... sorry your correct, must of been before an old upset i use to be able to do that aswell to start the stream anyway thanks for the help alot dude ! :D