Question / Help OBS with ORBSMART AW06


Tried to use OBS on an Orbsmart Mini PC AW-06 Quad Core Windows 10 (64-Bit) Intel Atom X5-Z8300, 2GB RAM, 32GB RAM, HDMI 1.4, 1x USB 3.0 + 3x USB 2.0 in a very simple setup for live streaming of a billard table.

720p worked out at the beginning but after a while, the encoding warning showed up and the stream was getting slow...
Any recommendations what I should change in my settings to keep 720p. Don't want to go down to 480p ......

Thanks and regards
Thanks Boildown!

I already had the feeling that we have been on too low budget for it. Any recommendations on what we should the purchase. The ORB Smarts where rather cheap at 170$ per unit.

I would like to avoid a laptop or desktop solution in order to keep transport effort and wight at the lowest level. But if not possible, I of course will bite into the soure apple :-)

Thanks and greetings from Austria


Active Member
Well I think laptop or desktop are the two options. You were going to set up a webcam I take it? What bitrate did you intend to stream at? Any production values, or just something to monitor the table? People watching for entertainment, or you want to reliably record the pool games, or what?

My instinct is that you should use the cheapest Haswell or Skylake CPU with Quicksync on board. Get a micro or mini case of some kind. But if people are going to be commenting on the stream about the pool game being shown, then you probably want something higher-end... maybe a decent laptop with at least an i5 and USB 3.0 ports.
Sent back the Logitech C930 - now trying with SONY HDR AS200V - in between a Magewell HD HDMI Capture Dongle. USB 3.0 going in to the ORBSMART. Have not yet tested this setup, but hope to bring the CPU enough down with the MAGEWALL to be able to stay with the ORBSMART.

Stream shoud be 720p if possible. If not, 540p would also be acceptable......

Reliable recording of the game will be done by the camera itself so the stream is mainly for entertainment. Will be interesting to see if this setup can work out.......

Keeping you in the loop