OBS with Livestream.com support


New Member
Hey guys I compile a version of OBS that adds in simple Livestream.com support so you only need to enter your username/pass/channel instead of having to build that big FMS Url yourself you can check it out here https://github.com/kkartaltepe/OBS/wiki/32bit-builds .Give me some feedback and I hope if Jim implements customizing the Setting's window in the API I can just release a OBSPlugin later on (or it could be adopted into OBS!). Tell me what you think!

Notes: It's only 32-bit right now because im compiling with VS2012, but in the future I might get a 64bit version out if people need it.


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Forum Moderator
Hey, I will take a look at it. Seems you did it fairly recently so it should be easily mergable. I agree that livestream and such needed something like this, so I greatly appreciate it (not that I personally would recommend anyone use livestream). I wish it weren't something that had to be hard-coded, but I suppose it can't really be helped with the different services. I don't think it could have been easily avoided. I also agree it would have been nice to make it a plugin or something, but not sure if that could be done very easily with the current design.

Thank you very much though. It's possible I might have to tweak things but I'll merge it if everything checks out.


New Member
No problem I just knew some people who used livestream and didn't want to switch because of the lack of obvious support for it. I tried to make it as not hack'ish as possible but there really wasnt a nice way to change the settings UI per-service so I hope its not to bad. If you want me to fix anything up just let me know and I will do it :) .


Forum Admin
Plugins for services are on the todo list so various providers can be supported with authentication, viewer count retrieval, etc.


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Forum Moderator
Hey, so yea, we talked about it a bit. We actually came up with a good idea about how to approach this without necessarily hard coding it. We figured out a way to implement the ability for plugins to add in their custom service information. What this will do is let us implement things such as this, but especially things like the twitch and own3d APIs as well without having to hard code it directly into the app, and let others make and customize their own if they wish.

So don't kill us, but we might have to pass on the code at the moment.


New Member
No problemo. I eagerly await this feature in the future! This is just here for those who might want it now.