Bug Report OBS window position moves if start bar is on the left side


New Member
I think this happened in 0.48.006b or 7b, but now when ever I launch OBS, the OBS window moves to the left by the size of my Windows start bar (I have it placed on the left side of the screen). Its not a bug rly, but it's a bit annoying. Thanks


Re: OBS window position moves if start bar is on the left si

I can confirm, OBS don't stay at the same position on each start.
The window always go to the start bar :/ (I have it on top, and OBS window goes up on each start)

tested with start bar on left, OBS go to left.

This is not true for the bottom and right side.


New Member
Re: OBS window position moves if start bar is on the left si

The windows positioning was OK before 0.48.006, its really a minor thing, but since its regression i mentioned it anyway :P


Re: OBS window position moves if start bar is on the left si

Look at the config file in the %AppData%\OBS directory called "global.ini". Open it with notepad and look for PosY= and PosX= Try change those if they are not looking right


Re: OBS window position moves if start bar is on the left si

if we set global.ini to read-only it works, but the posY and posX values change if not.


Re: OBS window position moves if start bar is on the left si

So OBS changes those every time you open OBS? Weird. Mine always pops up right where it was last time i used OBS